“After gaining interest in synthesizers, I took up every available source of information on the subject of electronic music. And some good and comprehensive books were of course written. However, all of it was in English, and I started fiddling with the idea of writing a book about this in Danish language.”

Going non-linear

So I started working in a non-linear fashion. I had the opportunity to use a professional Word Processing device, which was not very common in those days. Limited to green ASCII characters, it was not exactly a dream GUI, but I enabled me to work in the non-linear fashion that I have pursued ever since.

Borgens Forlag

After a period of writing and putting stuff together, the book took shape. I sent the synopsis to various publishers, and several of them took interest. I finally signed an agreement with “Borgens Forlag” – a large independent publisher with a good grip of the Danish market. After the better part of years’ work, the book was finished and released in March 1983.

Being one of their writers, I was invited to the “spring reception” on Borgens Forlag, where I suddenly found myself drinking white wine and chatting with many well-known, heavyweight fiction writers and poets, like F.P. Jac, Piet Hein, Dan Turell, Suzanne Brøgger. Definitely a step up.

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