Start Fluxic Journey Now!

Built On Music

For years I have been creating free form instrumental electronic music. Besides perhaps appearing on a compilations, it is hard for this kind of music to get heard in the abundance of music today.

So I decided to create an ever-growing online work, that gets expanded and refined over time.

The result is Fluxic (“Music in Flux”). Currently the work has a duration of around 16 hours – enough to keep the flow going a long time before any repetition.


Shallow But Deep

Or simple, yet demanding. The concept of Fluxic may take some involvement to grasp, but you can enjoy it right away without any effort.


Unrestrained Musical Mash-up

Unrestrained by musical genres, Fluxic blends club music, cinematic soundtracks, funk, ambient landscapes, fusion, alien atmospheres, prog and many other styles into a deep, emotional and mesmerizing total. With inspiration from the techniques and methods of Eno, Aphex Twin, Vangelis, Orb, Subotnick, Jarre, Daft Punk, Gabriel and other electronic front fighters from the various scenes.


Playing Against The Machines

I attempt to start every music project from a new angle – whether it is a new track, or updating an older track or idea.

I always try to get feedback from the electronics, by setting up the systems so that happy accidents are possible – if not likely. I isolating and using the most interesting parts from longer sessions, and mix and match like crazy.

In some ways this can be compared to the feedback from living musicians, who will also present stuff that you did not think of yourself. So that keeps the flow interesting – even when working mostly alone.


Master The Rules – Then Break Them

Fluxic works are ususally flow-written as the track progresses. By means of a range of special deliberate obstacles, the work is often influenced by chance in some way or another.

Check some of the methods used for messing up the machinery.



Most of the works on Fluxic are based on some kind of concept or working method. Could be exploration of an interesting performance chain in the modular synthesizer, or exploitation of a certain genre. In the Methods you may check some of the concepts and methods used.


For inspiration and food of thought

With it’s varied, yet steady flow of music, images, movies and words Fluxic can work in many contexts. As a main event in the form of performances, installations, shows and projections.
Or as background for social gatherings, work and events in the public or private sphere.

In fluctuation

The work is developed and updated daily, adhering to “SaaS” principles (Software as a Service).
Join in and follow the developments.
Fluxic works on most newer platforms and is free to use.

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The Duet - Extended