Fluxic: “Ceeborg”. First algorithmic full-hour track


This one hour long algorithmic piece was originally conceived for the pre-launch of the Fluxic 1.0 site: “The Expanding Meta Work”.

The track slowly evolves from a blue, athmospheric presence into an ethnic pulsating drive during the 1 hour long piece.

Instruments used are mainly the Modular system, NI Reaktor, Stylus RMX, Absynth and EXS-24.

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A slow paced generative mockup video has been made for the track. Check it out here:

[gdlr_video url=”https://youtu.be/IK01EeG9HJo” ]

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The video is also available on the Fluxic Flow Arts 24/7 YouTube channel  (The channel opens in a new window)

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