Competing with global music brands

Let’s face it.

Most major pop stars of today have equally major financial backing, and a solid organisation working their case. Usually found on a major label – Universal Music, Sony Music and Warner Music – or one of their many sub-labels.

The companies behind these stars are no different from companies in other branches – they need to make a return on their investment (ROI).  So naturally a lot of the decisions they make will be influenced by this fact.

For instance, would the company support a promising, but unknown new act who has an original artistic vision? Or rather support a professionally casted setup with a proven formula? Well… They will probably preach the first – but most often practice the last.

Not to say that having an eager eye on the commercial part of music is a bad thing, A lot of good music is being released by the majors.

But the willingness to invest in a long term musical career may be a problem. Was the Beatles’ first album really their best? I’d say no. In their case the best works appeared after 5, 6 or even more releases.

In order to approach a major label today, you need to have a proven fanbase and some references. You must be a brand already – however small.