Medley Records – Rebel turned mainstream

Having recorded 6 tracks with DéFilm in Puk Studio, Randers, we had our minds firmly set on going to Japan to settle and play there. But without our knowledge, Puk – the owner of the studio – sent our tape to the then leading Danish record company “Medley Records”. The company called us literally on our way to the airport.

After meetings with manager Michael Ritto they persuaded us that they could help us launch an international career building on the foundation of the only other Danish act of the time that had any international success – “Laid Back”.

Medley was thought of as the independent, alternative company to the majors at the time – Polygram, EMI, CBS (later Sony), Warner. And the company was very succesful indeed. The co-owner and chief producer, Poul Bruun, had brought the younger Michael Ritto with him from CBS, to establish their own company.

The company was given a good start, as Poul Bruun took with him several top-selling acts like Kim Larsen.

Medley was then based in Skelmosevej, Valby, next to Nordisk Film – the renowned Danish film company. The company was very open and active at the time, and held some great parties and events for the artists at the rooftop terrace.

During the DeFilm period, several of the currently active top music business executives worked as assistants, promoters and interns on Medley – Nik Foss, Mik Christensen, Anetta Elmo to name a few.

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