Fluxic: “Eat Weed”

The original version of this track was made in 2003 and can be heard below. An uplifting track with a light rhythmic backbone and a catchy thematic hook.

In March 2016, the track was prepared for live performance and may be performed in the Fluxic Studio Concerts.
The video version is the live version from March 2016.
Hans Bundsgaard has created a nice video for this live performance.

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Fluxic: Eat Weed – “Towards alternate states” (09483-015)

[gdlr_video url=”https://youtu.be/tbzOH8RC7WY” ]

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Fluxic: Eat Weed – “Seduced by a Parapsychic Muse” (09483-006)

[gdlr_video url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqdzHIdayv4″ ]

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