Organizing your music workspace

Depending on your type you may want to organize yourself to be prepared for the moment when the muse hits.

I find nothing more off-putting than having to deal with technical or organizing issues in the middle of an inspiring moment when you just want to get your ideas down.

Over the course of many years I have fine-tuned my very large system, and organized it to be able to deliver when it counts.

This covers any aspect of the production chain, to name some:

  • Structuring libraries for fast location of sounds
  • Naming items and files with useful names
  • Adding drawers and fixed spaces for frequently used objects
  • Making detailed production and procedure notes whenever possible
  • Setting up default signal paths with quick access
  • Removing unused clutter on your workspace
  • Condensing controller and interface positions for fastest access
  • Stripping superfluous cables

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