Posted on 01/10/2015

Jesper Ranum 0 comments

2015 Advertising Effectiveness Award – Rema-1000

In 2015 my long term client and collaboration partner, advertising agency Winther’s, received the Advertising Effectiveness Award, for their campaigns for the Norwegian controlled supermarket chain “Rema-1000″. Having been the Voiceover artist for the Rema-1000 TVCs for a long time, I naturally also took pride in this. Rema-1000 has for several consecutive years been the most succesful of the Danish […]

Posted on 28/04/2006

Jesper Ranum 0 comments

The Spielberg Incident

I have had a few incidents that made me wonder “Where it did that come from”? One such incident was the production of an international Nokia commercial (“Connecting People” – remember?), that was linked to the launch of a new Steven Spielberg movie – “Minority report” – featuring Tom Cruise. Via a Danish agency – DanesAdWork […]

Posted on 17/06/1992

Jesper Ranum 0 comments

Educating the clients (1992)

“Adveritising people are not listening enough.” Interview in the leading Danish Advertising Magazine, 1992. With this rather bold statement, I point a finger at the advertising agencies, claiming that they do not prioritise sound. It seems like the point was taken, since the existing clients stayed – and new ones came along. Photo was taken […]

Posted on 22/06/1990

Jesper Ranum 0 comments

Dansk Tipstjeneste: “Modeshow”

[gdlr_divider type=”solid” size=”100%” ] “Please copy this world hit…” Danish former gambling monopoly “Dansk Tipstjeneste” produced a range of commercials in the early 1990’s, all featuring the theme from Vangelis “Chariots of Fire”. The original recording was unobtainable for copyright or financial reasons, so I was asked to an exact re-make clone of the theme. […]