Posted on 17/05/2016

Jesper Ranum 0 comments

Shuffled Playback

In line with the many other randomized and algorithmic experiments, I have looked into the consequences and pitfalls with shuffled playback of pieces. It is appealing, that the user will get a new and surprising experience every time they turn to your platform. But it also puts high demands on consistency and quality, since ANY […]

Posted on 17/04/2016

Jesper Ranum 0 comments

Self-updating Music

Since 2000 the music business and economy has changed drastically. The income potential for music is much lower, with only a few of the traditional sources left intact. Live music is one of them – and music for media is another. But both avenues are very crowded with loads of artists fighting for few opportunities. […]

Posted on 05/03/2012

Jesper Ranum 0 comments

Magento and The Indian team

Choosing online platform When the functionality map had been drawn for the Fluxic Expanding Meta Work project, it was a question of settling on a platform that could handle the requirements. The original design was planned to handle searching, presentation and sale of music downloads and images, and after a thorough analysis I decided that the Magento […]

Posted on 01/07/1997

Jesper Ranum 0 comments

The first Ranum website

Establishing the Home Base. In the mid 90’s it became increasingly clear that Internet was about to take off big time. And that it would be useful for someone like myself. So without knowing too much about that new technology, I rushed to acquire some strategic domain names to be prepared for the things to […]