Posted on 03/08/2015

Jesper Ranum 0 comments

Pop Missiles: “Kiss Me Kiss Me”

  Funny, colorful and catchy girlie-disco summer dance track. [gdlr_divider type=”solid” size=”100%” ] As a composer fiddling around, you sometimes stumble over stuff that is out of your normal hemisphere and comfort zone. But this song almost wrote itself over the semi-cheesy EDM-style riff, and I decided to have some fun and record it. Quick, light […]

Posted on 01/03/1990

Jesper Ranum 0 comments

The 50-50 Deal with Danish Film

Rebels in the film business In 1990 a special proposition (called “Fifty-fifty ordningen”) was made by the government, regarding the financing of the Danish popular movie productions. It was decided that a production company should come up with 50% of the budget for their film, before the Danish national FIlm Council would put up with the […]

Posted on 31/03/1981

Jesper Ranum 0 comments


THE NEO WAVE Kraftwerk and Brian Eno's work with Roxy Music and Bowie (especially on "Low" and "Heroes") showed a new direction for pop music, paving the way for New Wave and New Romantics bands like Gary Numan, Brian Eno, Ultravox, Human League, Depeche Mode, Visage, Simple Minds and Devo. These were among the inspirations [...]