Posted on 25/03/2018

Jesper Ranum

Modular Mindsets

MODULAR MINDSETS En teknologisk fetisch-borg med et spindelvæv af kabler der forbinder det uforklarlige med det umulige, og producerer lyde, der veksler fra det subtilt ambiente, over tinnitusfremkaldende hipster-støjmure og bassdrum-pounding multigrooves, til en absurd suppe af blips og blops, der er mest interessant for udøveren. DINOSAURERNES GENFØDSEL Igennem de seneste 5 år har modular [...]

Posted on 17/02/2018

Jesper Ranum

Arturia Matrixbrute Analog Synth

STUDIO :: GEAR :: SYNTHS :: ARTURIA MATRIXBRUTE PLAY MUSIC The Arturia MatrixBrute is a duophonic fully analog synthesizer, with digital control. I acquired the unit in December 2017. I found it to be a interesting synth, with the Steiner / Moog dual filter combo, and the large modulation matrix, that makes it comparable to [...]

Posted on 04/12/2017

Jesper Ranum

Fairlight Series IIx

RANUM :: GEAR :: LEGACY :: FAIRLIGHT SERIES IIx The Fairlight Series II was a sensation when released, and via a string of high profiled albums by e.g. Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush, Jean Michel Jarre, The Art of Noise and other prominent artists, it became an insider buzzword, surrounded by an aura of mystique and [...]

Posted on 30/11/2017

Jesper Ranum 0 comments

NI Reaktor: A complete audio toolkit

The audio plug-in software framework "Reaktor" by Native Instruments is one of the most flexible single units you can have in your virtual rack. Within Reaktor there's an impressive array of preconstructed "ensembles" like synthesizers, samplers, rhytm units, sequencers, pattern generators, effects units, utilities and much more. And on the vivid Reaktor community you can [...]

Posted on 28/09/2017

Jesper Ranum 0 comments

The Moog 2600?

THE MOOG 2600? One of the many wonderful things about the Eurorack modular standard is that it lets you combine and assemble modules from different manufacturers into a custom dream system, that only you may have. I was intrigued by the KB-37 Eurorack keyboard from Waldorf, consisting of a quite potent controller keyboard, with room [...]

Posted on 17/05/2017

Jesper Ranum 0 comments

Roland Jupiter-6 Analog Poly Synth

A different creature If you believe that a Roland Jupiter-6 is simply a boiled down version of the Jupiter-8, think again. The Jupiter-6 has got a different filter and synth engine. The addition of a true multimode filter (LPF/BPF/HPF) expands the sonic possibilities of the single synth engine. But the Jupiter-8’s ability to layer 2 different patches gives […]